Note 36

Although the same basic frame was used on all Chevy & GMC pickups & SUV’s from 1987-2000, slight frame variations require different brackets to accommodate all of these vehicles. Carefully read the following to determine the correct bracket:

FOR 87-98 CHEVY & GMC TRUCKS & SUV’S: measure the distance from point A (on the bottom of the frame) to point B (on the side of the frame). The hole on the bottom of the frame is slotted & may run from front to back or from side to side. See Chart 1 to determine the correct bracket. (See Image 1, right).

For 99 & NEWER CHEVY & GMC TRUCKS & SUV’S: If the tow hooks are bolted externally to the bottom of the frame, use the instructions above for the 87-98 Chevy & GMC trucks & SUV’s. If the tow hooks are bolted internally in the frame rail, use Chart 2 to determine the correct bracket.

FOR ½ TON 2 WHEEL DRIVE ONLY: Check front suspension for torsion bar or coil spring. If you have torsion bar, use kit 199-1 XL or 199-3 MX. If you have a coil spring, use 199-8 XL (199-9 MX Discontinued).

FOR ¾ TON 2 WHEEL DRIVE: with torsion bar, use 3101-1.
Frame Measurement

Chart 1 If Measurement is: 5,000 lb. Std. Bracket Type 5,000 lb. XL Bracket Type 8,000 lb. MX Bracket Type
Approximately 1 1/4 Inches **131-2 Direct Connect 131-17 XL Crossbar 131-3 MX Direct Connect
Approximately 3 Inches N/A N/A 131-15 XL N/A 131-8 MX N/A

Chart 2 5,000 lb. XL Bracket Type 8,000 lb. MX Bracket Type
1/2 Ton 2WD 199-8/**199-1 XL Crossbar 199-3 MX Direct Connect
1/2 Ton 4WD **199-1 XL Crossbar 199-3 MX Direct Connect
3/4 Ton 4WD N/A N/A 3101-1 MX Direct Connect
3/4 Ton 2WD 199-8 XL Crossbar 3101-1 MX Direct Connect
** 199-1 and 131-2 are no longer available.

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